Why Do Hairdressers Dye Hair Before Cutting

Why Do Hairdressers Dye Hair Before Cutting?

Let’s take a look at why hairdressers will dye your hair before cutting it. Why Do Hairdressers Dye Your Hair Before Cutting It? Typically, the reason why hairdressers do this is because the ends of the hair will usually get damaged after the dye has been applied. Coloring ultimately dries out your hair, which makes…

How Often Should You Trim Your Hair

How Often Should You Trim Your Hair?

While trimming your hair sounds completely out of the question if long hair is your ultimate goal, regular trimming will actually promote faster hair growth. Regular trims are suggested for all hairstyles and lengths, but the frequency of these trims will differ. How Often Should You Get A Trim? The frequency of hair trimming will…

How Often Should Men Wash Their Hair

How Often Should Men Wash Their Hair?

A hair washing routine 2-3 times per week is ideal for the majority of men. This frequency will allow for the natural oils to nourish your hair, promoting strong and healthy growth as time goes on. Should Men Wash Their Hair Every Day? Maintaining healthy and stylish hair is a top priority for many men…